Google Best Practices Guide By Jerry West
First released in 2003, this is the only guide you will need to improve your Google rankings, and conversions. The Google Best Practices guide contains information not found anywhere else.
This guide contains real Search Engine Optimization information. We have thoroughly tested these optimization techniques on hundreds of domains and used these techniques to build dominant sites.
Recently updated: 2023! Just $47 and you get free lifetime updates.

Why Choose Google Best Practice Guide
This guide contains real Search Engine Optimization information. We have thoroughly tested these optimization techniques and used them to build dominant sites for our eCommerce and affiliate markets.

SEO Is Dead
"Gurus" who don't understand SEO tell you SEO is dead. Their main objective is to sell you an inflated package of information you probably already know, or a new technique that isn't going to work as they claim.

SEO in a Box
SEO isn't difficult, it is understanding key factors and then doing them well. I outline a step-by-step process which will give you better rankings for the terms which will earn you more revenue.

Maximum "Google Love"
I'll show you how to setup your site to get the maximum Google Love. Even if you have no technical knowledge, I break things down so it is simple to understand and execute. You'll even be able to edit your .htaccess file with confidence.

Linking Strategies
Getting links isn't rocket science and it isn't about hiring someone overseas to submit your site to thousands of worthless directories. I will show you how to do it properly by getting the right links to your site.

The Title Tag
If everything else is correct but the title is weak, your rankings won't just suffer, your CTR will too. It's not just about stuffing keywords but increasing your CTR, which it what you really want in the first place.

Page Rank
The real Importance of Page Rank and how it can affect your rankings. Learn how to stop "The Green Bar Addiction" and understand what PageRank really is and how it plays in your marketing strategy.
"Hands down the best SEO Information anywhere."
Michael Campbell - DMC Corp.
Why Google Best Practices Guide?
Doing business online for most of us depends on good search engine rankings to bring in qualified buyers. Today, that means ranking well in Google. With an organic search market share of over 72.4% and PPC click-through rates of 74.9% (some analysts put Google's search rates even higher), your online marketing program may be dead in the water without killer Google rankings. But with Google constantly changing their algorithms and filters how can you ensure your website stays at the top once you get there?

Let's face it!
There are many Search Engine "Gurus" out there who claim to be best buddies with Matt Cutts of Google and that he gives them the "secret inside information" no one else knows.
I call bullshit! How long do you think Google would keep Matt around if he was leaking "secret information" about the Google search filters and algorithms? I think Matt's response to these claims would be, "Who said that? Never met them."
He's on leave anyway, so clinging to that faux-relationship wouldn't really help right about now.

A word from the Author
Stop wasting time on forums and SEO news sites. They have an agenda that honestly won't help your sites at all. How do I know this? Because you are here. If those places worked, you wouldn't keep searching for a solution. Use these best practices because they are PROVEN to work.
As a former software tester turned affiliate marketer, and now e-commerce owner, I can tell you exactly what works and save you a lot of time and frustration figuring out what doesn't.